Call for Workshop Proposals
The organizing committee of SRDS 2024 is welcoming workshop proposals.
The first day of the conference will be dedicated to workshops proposed by the scientific and technical community around distributed systems, dependability, security, performance, and other related topics. The purpose of workshops is to provide a forum for exchanging opinions, presenting ideas, and discussing preliminary results in an interactive atmosphere.
Workshop Chairs
For any questions regarding workshops, please email the workshop chairs.
Responsibilities and Logistics
Workshops may be half-day or full day events.
Workshop chairs are responsible for setting up an international technical program committee, independent of the one of the main conference. They may select a TPC chair(s) or chair the TPC themselves. Responsibilities of the workshop TPC chairs include preparing and spreading a call for contributions, attract high-quality submissions, set up the selection process assemble and run the workshop program.
Note that the publication of proceedings for the workshop would be a possibility and not a requirement: workshops without published proceedings, with only abstracts, with only invited speakers, or using a mix of these formats, are also warmly welcome.
Proposal Submission and Evaluation Criteria
Proposals must not exceed three pages in PDF.
Proposal Submission
Proposals must be sent to SRDS'24 workshop co-chairs, and have the following structure:
- Title of the workshop;
- A 150- to 200-word abstract, suitable for the conference website;
- Themes and goals, and relevance to the SRDS community;
- Information about the procedure for selecting papers and/or presentations, plans for dissemination and publication, and expected number of participants;
- Preference for a half- or one-day format;
- Information about previous editions of the same workshop, if any;
- Names, affiliations and brief bios of organizers, including their past experience in organizing workshops and/or conferences in the field;
- A list of possible Program Committee members and their affiliations;
Evaluation Criteria
- Relevance to SRDS;
- Timeliness and expected interest in the topic;
- Organizers’ ability to lead a successful workshop;
- Balance and synergy with other SRDS events;